Trying to live up to my moral obligation

It’s been a minute, but I have been busy. I’ve been making some progress on the bringing the miniature kites to market, I started to blog on a completely unrelated topic, Scouts still want to take up as much of my time as it can get, work still wants more time than I can give it, and I’m still fighting off that cold.

From time to time I have had thoughts bump into the receptors that may be related to the self doubt that Cathy has mentioned in probably every episode of the Don’t (just) Keep Your Day Job podcast. I am posting my thoughts and progress on this subject under a category by the same name. Of course, I do not mean any appropriation of the title. I just want to help identify the train of these thoughts, want to recognize the source of the inspirations, felt the “moral obligation” to put them out somewhere, and don’t want to clutter anyone else’s space up with my drivel.

New blog posts

On the subject of moral obligations, I came across this quote on Facebook the other day and it really resonated for me. “Reading and writing cannot be separated. Reading is breathing in; writing is breathing out.” The little voice in my head instantly translated “Reading” to “Listening”, and then that gem ran headlong into a long-lived ear-worm of mine.

One of my off the cuff responses to a casual greeting “How are you doing?” is “Just another day in paradise.” (although on a less good day the response can be “Thank you for asking.). While sometimes I wonder why I don’t naturally link that verbiage with Phil Collins (who I adore), being a child of the Eighties, I recognize that it is quite natural that I link the words with Diamond David Lee Roth (who I could live without).

So at a special moment, I connected these two thoughts with the concept that it is my moral obligation to share what I have been blessed with out in the world (or at least the digital world). I concluded that I had to start posting on the premise “Like Living in Paradise” where I hope to address attitudes that I encounter in my day to day on the Oregon Coast. I will try to sprinkle in some descriptions of activities and things to see.

Progress as of late

Besides the posts on the new blog, I have made several mare baby steps that have me very near having my minis to market.

I made a new template, and tried making a couple mini kites based on a pentagon that I’ve made in a larger size. I really like the concept as it provides lots more space for graphics.

I started an Instagram account, followed a few folks, commented on some of their posts and made my own first posts. I’m not comfortable with the media yet, and I’m certain that I’m not utilizing it to the utmost, but all in good time.

I folded and cut out a bunch of cards in a few different colors and figured out the corners that I want to use for my older kites (that I intend to send out to kiting friends because of differences in the construction from the newer ones).

I ordered a few supplies, some for the final steps on the cards and some for the Della Portas. Now I need to settle in and pound out a bunch of minis to use as samples for Winddriven. Also I will be able to make some progress on some life size art kites that have been on the drawing board for WAY too long.

That’s all I have for now. If anybody is actually reading this, please drop me a comment.

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