Not every day is a holiday

So the holidays are here.

I am not one to use the word depression, but between health, schedule, the number of balls in the fire, and missing some of my extended family and friends over Thanksgiving, I do find myself in a bit of a malaise.

So how do you re-energize yourself when you find yourself in a slump?

Remind yourself of your purpose

Unfortunately, most of us are not surrounded by cheerleaders. So when you’ve been sacked (again), you need visualize the goal line for yourself.

Before you dust yourself off and get back to work, make certain that when you do that work that you’re headed for the right direction. That last knock down might just be the punches you have to roll with, but there is the possibility that they were actually the rest of the salmon letting you know which direction the stream actually flows.

Take care of yourself

I’m awful at doing this myself, but when you’re down, there is nothing like a walk. Exercise your demons by exercising your body.

I’m not one to encourage anyone to turn their life upside down and commit to a yoga program or hit the gym for hours everyday, but it is startling what a good walk can do to straighten up your thoughts and your body’s physical alignment.

Not that I’m against yoga. If you can find a teacher and environment that suits your needs, I would encourage anyone to (gently and mindfully) explore the connections that a practice can help develop between mind and body

Bring on the dance team

Once you’re certain you have properly charted your course, and your ship is in shape, put some wind in those sails.

Find your hook, that (or those) things that will pump you up and make you feel unstoppable. Then employ that hook mercilessly. The carrot doesn’t work when the horse can’t see it, so keep you motivators close at hand.

Once you get some traction it should be easier to keep moving, but every no and again we all get bogged down. Just keep practicing these steps. Make sure you’re doing what your supposed to, make sure your strong enough to get it done, and get your self fueled up for the next leg of the drive.

Asking for directions

Sometimes we all lose sight of the goal, or find that the goal was just a mirage in the desert. That is not the time to sit and die in the sun, but neither is it time for action. It won’t serve you to wander around lost.

When you need to get your bearings, the first thing to do is to get quiet. Unplug, get away from the TV, the phone, and as many of the obligations that you think you have to take care of immediately.

Take some time to take care of yourself, but also get out and make some human connections. Spend some time volunteering.

Once you’re listening to what is really going on, then wander. Try something new. It may light your fire, it may help you reconnect to a previous passion, if not you can always try something else.

Get out there and do. As long as you’re listening, you will hear it when something calls to you. When it does, congratulations you have a new focus. Enjoy all that your new passion will bring to your life and you community.

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