Past time for an update

The best laid plans …

I have been remiss in posting. So much has been happening in my life, and none of it involves the path that I want to be traveling.

I’m still where I want to be, but my family life has become a bit more messy, and will likely take another month to get things cleaned up.

I have made time to run a training event for den chiefs to serve between the troop and pack. It was a good event, and I learned that when given time to develop it, I can still feel some jitters about making a public presentation. I’m accustomed to opening my mouth and making a nuisance of myself in front of large groups, but rarely have the opportunity to organize programs.

I have also volunteered to give away more time to help the girl troop that is starting out as an extension of Troop 47. I have also refocused some of my energy with the troop to get the patrol leaders council functioning. I was disappointed this last weekend to miss an event for higher functioning Scouts.

I have promised myself to help with the Blue & Gold banquet (another opportunity for me to face the fear of group presentations) and Pinewood Derby for the pack, but have avoided helping with the district race to protect what little time, energy, health I have reserved. I have even refused to serve as a Nova mentor for my youngest and his associates in the pack, but have tried to get another parent to volunteer for the position.

In January, I’ve gave away some back-stock of miniatures to the kitemakers events that I’m familiar with and contacted a former supervisor about using her as a mentor (since then I learned the origin of the word Mentor and will have to share that with her and then her reaction to the info here). That was the limit of my progress on the kiting front.

I haven’t applied any energy to the “Paradise” posts, finding a home to buy, or toward the kite guide service this year. I keep reminding myself that once I have things straightened out on the home front, then I can apply some energy toward the passion projects, but the enthusiasm that I had for the works doesn’t effectively carry over to the expanded list of chores.

As it is mid-winter, work has slowed to a crawl. I’m getting the bills paid, but I’m not bringing in enough to pay for the things that lie broken around the house, or for that growing list of chores.

I’m working (and resting, although, I ought to get off my butt and try a yoga routine or two) to not get depressed. But, too much of my energy right now is going into buoying my attitude, and not to preparing myself for another grueling summer.

I’ve continued listening to self help podcasts, especially Johnathan Fields “Good Life Project” (starting from 2016), but haven’t come away with quite enough enthusiasm to sit down and write out a post. I haven’t even had any inspiring outings to catch up with the meet up group, in the woods, or just along the beach.

Here’s hoping that my luck and health holds, and that the hole that I’ve been living in doesn’t get any deeper. I can hardly wait to get back to sharing this life in paradise.

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